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Online registration as a tool for Event-Planning: Interview with René Knapp

XFAIR’s XFAIR online registration is a practical and versatile tool that can make everyday life easier for XFAIR customers both when planning events and during the event itself. Sales Manager René Knapp explains what it’s all about.

Mr Knapp, can you start by explaining the basic function of online registration and how this is handled at XFAIR?

In principle, online registration is used to collect data online in the run-up to a trade fair or event so that the necessary information can be accessed and worked with both during the planning phase and during the trade fair itself. On the one hand, data collection is used for participant management – “Who is coming to an event and when?”. But it can also be used for invitation management. Invited participants can register here and then receive a confirmation email, with a QR code if requested by the customer, with which they can accredit themselves quickly and effectively on arrival at the event.

Furthermore, our stand management systems are filled with content through online registration, which is particularly advantageous at large trade fairs with large exhibition stands. This provides the staff at the information desk with the relevant information as required, such as who speaks which language, who is responsible for which product, or for which countries or regions, so that a visitor without an appointment or known contact person can be assigned the person responsible for them using these criteria values. An example: “I am looking for someone who is responsible for Belgium, who should speak Flemish and be responsible for printing machines.” We would then have stored this data in the system through online registration and can contact the relevant employee with just one click of the mouse.
Basically, online registration at XFAIR is a standard product that is customised for each customer. You can compare it a bit to a custom suit: I have a base that is then extended or adapted for the customer each time. The whole thing is usually designed in a layout that is based on our customer’s corporate design.
In terms of content, we can differentiate with regard to the event or the registration group during registration. This means that I can create several registration groups for one and the same event, in which different information is requested. For a trade fair, for example, there is often a registration group for stand service staff. Here, of course, I ask for different information than from the trade fair set-up team. If we take this example a step further, the latter group will also be on site at a different time, so I have to ask for different times. Just like a registration group of visitors, I would of course ask them other things and design the questionnaire differently to the employees of a trade fair stand.

The request for various information is also related to the selection of the modules. These can be activated as required by the customer. One of the modules is the ‘Hotel’ module, for example, if there is a need for hotel management. The ‘Meeting rooms’ module is also popular, with which I, as a participant, can book one or more meeting rooms advance and then have them assigned by an administrator with a confirmation e-mail. I can also activate the ‘Orders’ module, which a participant can use to order exhibitor passes or day tickets for his customers, which he can then hand over to them personally. Many exhibitors also use this feature to have their employees order workwear or trade fair uniforms etc. and thus can get the respective items of clothing in the right size and in the right size.
We have many other modules, for example the ‘guided tours’ module, in case our customers want to offer guided tours of their stands. There are also customers who use this tool to organise bus shuttles. The idea here is simple: I have a certain number of slots at a certain time and the module then automatically deducts a slot with every booking. This happens until there is no more space. Then this slot no longer appears in the online registration and can no longer be selected.

All these modules can be activated or deactivated in the various registration groups. For example, I can activate the hotel module in the Employees group, but deactivate it in the Visitors group so that visitors cannot request a hotel, but employees can. I can also activate or deactivate the modules at different times during a project.


What is the typical procedure for online registration?


Der typische Ablauf einer Online-Registrierung hängt natürlich auch immer vom Event ab. Prinzipiell ist aber zu sagen, dass wir uns im Vorfeld mit dem Kunden zusammensetzen und neben dem generellen Layout die Gestaltung im jeweiligen Corporate Design und natürlich die zu berücksichtigenden Datenschutzrichtlinien besprechen. Diesbezüglich müssen vor dem Start der Online-Registrierung auch entsprechende Verträge von beiden Parteien unterschrieben werden. Danach geht es um das Inhaltliche, also welche Module werden aktiviert, welche Felder werden in welcher Reihenfolge angezeigt, wie heißen diese Felder, Welche Informationen werden hier abgefragt. Außerdem gilt es den zeitlichen Ablauf zu klären: welches Modul wird zu welchem Zeitpunkt in welcher Registrierungsgruppe aktiviert oder eben nicht aktiviert und wann geht die Registrierung online. Nachdem wir diese Anforderungen aufgenommen und umgesetzt haben, bekommt der Kunde das Endprodukt zur Durchsicht und prüft, ob alles passt, hat vielleicht hier und da nochmal einen Änderungswunsch – da geht es dann natürlich viel um Texte und Überschriften und Header.

Wir haben die Registrierung sehr häufig in Deutsch und Englisch, manchmal aber auch in anderen Sprachen, wie zuletzt zur Intermat in Paris auch auf Französisch. Hier konnten wir das Know-How unserer Mitarbeiter nutzen, die in diversen Sprachen, unter anderem auch in Französisch, sehr versiert sind. Auch das ist etwas, das die XFAIR ausmacht: wir vereinen sehr viele verschiedene Kompetenzen unter einem Dach und die Sprachkenntnisse unseres internationalen Teams gehören hier definitiv dazu.

Aber zurück zur Online Registrierung und ihren typischen Ablauf. Wir waren stehen geblieben beim Rücklauf, bei der Kontrolle. Wenn wir hier grünes Licht bekommen, stellen wir dem Kunden einen Link zur Verfügung, der dann an die Teilnehmer verschickt wird und diese zur Online-Registrierung von XFAIR führt.


How does the online registration fit in with the other solutions in the participant management category at XFAIR?

As already mentioned, the online registration is a building block of participant management as a whole. It takes second place in the logical sequence when you start with invitation management. In this context, the online registration partly embodies what is known as ‘response management’, as the responses to the registrations sent are linked to the personal data collected during registration.

In principle, all XFAIR services are relatively closely interwoven and can be arranged and prioritised individually. We not only provide the software, in this case the online registration platform, but also offer corresponding back-office services with our Customer Care team that go beyond simply creating the software platform. These include, for example, training in the use of our products, the organisation and management of hotel allotments and the creation of various evaluations and reports.

You can find more information on the individual XFAIR GmbH services associated with the online registration on our website. If you have specific questions about planning your own major project, you are welcome to contact us by phone or via our contact form. Also exciting: The latest blog posts can be found below.


René Knapp
Vice President Sales & Marketing

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